Singing Guide: Sam Phillips

Singing Guide: Sam Phillips

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Sam Phillips is a singer and songwriter known for her soulful, bluesy voice and heartfelt lyrics. Her unique style is characterized by a combination of raspy, powerful vocals and subtle, nuanced expressions. To learn how to sing like Sam Phillips, it is important to focus on developing both the technical and emotional aspects of your voice. In this article, we will explore some practical tips and Singing Carrots resources for emulating Sam Phillips' vocal style.

Technical tips:

  • Breathing and support: Phillips' powerful vocals are made possible with proper breath support. To achieve this, practice breathing from your diaphragm and engaging your core muscles while singing. Singing Carrots' breath support article and Farinelli Breathing video exercise can be helpful in building this skill.
  • Voice registers: Sam Phillips' unique sound is characterized by a mix of chest and head voice. To learn to transition smoothly between these registers, Singing Carrots' voice register article and Mixed Voice video exercise are great resources.
  • Vibrato: Phillips' use of vibrato adds depth and emotion to her singing. To learn to use this technique effectively, Singing Carrots' singing with vibrato article can provide you with the necessary tools.

Emotional tips:

  • Expression: Phillips' vocal style is characterized by her ability to imbue her singing with vivid emotions. To learn to express yourself like she does, focus on interpreting the lyrics of a song and conveying its intended emotion. Singing Carrots' singing with emotion article can provide you with further guidance in this area.
  • Stage presence: Sam Phillips is also known for her captivating performances. To learn how to command a stage, Singing Carrots' stage performance article and relaxing breath video exercise can be useful tools.

Recommended Singing Carrots resources:

  • Vocal range test to determine your vocal range and compare it to Phillips'.
  • Search songs to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference. Look for songs that showcase Phillips' vocal style, such as "Reflecting Light" or "I Need Love."
  • Pitch accuracy test and vocal pitch monitor to improve your pitch accuracy and see the notes you sing on a virtual piano.
  • Pitch training game to practice your pitch and improve your range and agility.
  • Singing course covering singing theory and practical tips.

By incorporating these tips and resources and practicing regularly, you can begin to develop your own unique singing voice with the soulful, bluesy characteristics of Sam Phillips.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.